Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Host Family and Gundams

A lot has happened since I last set my sights on this page... I met my host family and I have started my official life in Japan.
I suppose you are all wondering about my new family... They are great, better than great, amazing. After I sat down at their table at the welcome/opening ceremony, my host dad asks me what I like to do. Eventually it got out that I like Gundams. You know, giant fighting robots, the anime has been around for 30 years, over 7 different series.... So anyways, my host dad is all like, "hey, we should go to the giant Gundam in Odaiba!" and I was all like, "But isn't that like 2 hours away?" and he was all like, "Psshaa, that's not a problem." So after I got my stuff into my bitchin' room, (I have a couch, a bed, a coffee table, and a desk w/a wheely-chair) we set out on our grand adventure. Now, before I go into that in great detail, there are some other things I need to tell you. During my introduction to my host family, I was met with 3 surprises...
1. My host mother is 7 months pregnant.... They say its a girl....
2. My initial thoughts on the gender of my host sibling were correct, is was a boy, the information given was just wrong
3. My host dad really likes German cars, a lot. For example, he has a silver 97 Porsche just chilling in the garage, we are going for a ride soon
So there you have it, my host family is full of surprises.
Anyways, back to the Gundam! So we left the house here at like 2:30. We get to Odaiba at like 4. We move 1.5 miles off the highway and park at like 4:30. Then we set out to find the 30 meter tall replica of a Gundam (giant fighting robot.) Apparently, my host dad just knew it was in Odaiba. We walked around in this park for about 30 minutes before we found it.

Finally, through a break in the trees, a Gundam head emerges, I felt like yelling, " IT"S A GUNDAM!" Like so many in the anime, but I decided not to embarrass my host family like that. We went closer and I took pictures of the giant mechanic wonder that cannot exist in our world due the devil that is physics. I was in a state of awe, this was a real Gundam, though it may not move or be functional, it was a Gundam. Needless to say, I was surprised by what happened next. Cool, huh?
So some people would say, "Alright, I've had my fill with Odaiba, there are thousands of people here, and I just wanna go home...." Not my host family. My host mom was hungry, and this was acceptable, seeing how she is pregers and all. So we left the Gundam zone and went into the shopping complex a block up. Here we found lots of restaurants, all full. So while my host dad and brother went looking for a bathroom, my host mom and I set ourselves up in 2 different lines. She was stationed at a ramen shop and I was set to hold a spot at the American buffet style restaurant. My line ended up moving faster, so for dinner I had rotisserie chicken and tacos. We soon left Odaiba and returned home. We arrived back at the Takayama residence at 11:30. I unpacked and sleep ensued.
So yesterday there was this big storm-like thing called a typhoon. Also my afternoon class was switched with Friday's class. So I had the afternoon off. I couldn't go home because I live a 15 minute bike-ride from the train station and it was a typhoon, so I didn't have my bike waiting for me, I had been driven and given instruction to call when I got back to the Fujimono station. Sooooo I have about 4 hours to kill. Time for some more back-story! My host brother is a Mario-Kart fanatic. He plays all day long, a l l d a y l o n g ! ! ! And hes really really really REALLY good. The thing is, he only plays to win when he gets mad at the other people he is playing with. I witnessed this fury only once. Some guy from France, yeah France not even a real country, is ramming into Nozumi over and over again. Nozumi is 1 lap behind the lead car, and currently in last place. He gets mad, takes out the car ramming him, and takes the lead. He wins the race and shuts off the Wii. He expects me to play this game with him every second I am home... I hate Mario-Kart for the Wii.... So I had 4 hours to burn, its raining sideways, and I am tired of playing that damned game. I head out to Kawagoe station from my school's station, Kasumigaseki. Its about a 5 minutes train ride. I go to the shopping street, Crea Mall, and I begin my search for a book off. Book offs are the super discounted second-hand books movies and games stores. I eventually find one 30 minutes from the station. There I purchase myself a copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Those of you who have played with me know that when I get angry, like Nozumi, I can bring the pain and win. A new copy of this game here in Japan is about $60.... I got mine for about $30, so 50% off the regular price. Score! I brought this game home, soaked to the bone, and proceeded to inflate my ego by beating the stuffing out of a 5 year old little boy. I have not lost a game yet, and we have been playing for the last 2 days.
Tomorrow at 1, my host dad is taking me to look at contract phones with his company. Docomo should be competativly priced, but if they are not, I can still do the Soft Bank option. I have added a button to my sidebar for my mom's convenience. Everyone is welcome to use it.
Oooo, so more exciting new before I submit this bad boy and head off to bed, I talked to Katie for about 2 hours on Sunday afternoon for me, Saturday night for her. I have Internet, and I do check Facebook to see who is online. If we are not Facebook friends, we probably should be if you are reading this. I guess the point of this last part is, yes, you can talk to me with AIM, MSN, and Facebook.